Monday, April 27, 2009

Blanda But Not Bland

Anemone blanda is such a retiring little plant that it gets lost pretty easily in a crowded garden. However, Anemone blanda 'Ingramii' (shown at top) has no such problem; its blue is the deepest yet brightest of blues. This particular selection of blanda is native to southern Greece; it begins flowering before other blandas, and also stays in bloom the longest; it's been blooming here for almost a month now. For comparison, at bottom is a more ordinary blue Anemone blanda.
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They're lovely, aren't they? I planted some two years ago and they're starting to really take hold in the spring garden now. I expect they'll be flowering in a few days if this warmth continues.
Shame on me, I don't have them in my garden! I think I'm changing my mind...
Ah, but even the 'ordinary' blue is a lovely thing. I miss these guys.
Jodi... after a year or so, they really form quite a patch if they have space.

Tatyana... Buy a variety!

Jenn... couldn't you grow them in Az.? They must be pretty hardy to heat.
Where's a good place to get Anemone blanda that has a good selection of colors?
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