Thursday, March 19, 2009

Galanthus Merlin

Merlin is thought to be a hybrid between Galanthus elwesii and plicatus. Merlin is one of the most widely available and popular of the snowies with all-green inner petals. It is also known for carrying its flower at a slight angle, due to a short pedicel. Its plicatus sire gives the plant nice, waxy green foliage, and it is a strong grower in our garden.

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Im in love with snow drops. do you know any sources that carry multiple varieties?
flowrgirl1... Temple Nursery is the only place that has a real selection (pricey though). You can usually find about half a dozen kinds by looking around. Actually Bulbmeister also offers several kinds, but charge a Cites fee so it's not practical to buy just a few bulbs from them.
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