Saturday, August 09, 2008

A Better Yellow

I'm usually not that crazy about yellow daylilies, but Molly McButter has undertones of pink and green that just make it glow (the ruffling is nice, too). It's also a late bloomer (it's in full bloom now) so extends the daylily season.
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I love that pretty ruffle & that shade of shade of yellow has a nice blending of pink & green which gives it a great effect.
Molly McButter... wonder how she got her name? I like that only the three predominant petals are ruffled. Very nice!
she is lovely!
Perennial g... it gets pinker as the day goes on 9nice touch).

Nancy... glad you like it !

Shady... isn't there some kind of butter preparation (spray?) for popcorn or something named that?

Sky... it's actually a little prettier than my picture shows.

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