Thursday, July 24, 2008

Make Mine A Double

Maybe I'm changing my mind about double flowered daylilies; this is Gemini Jack, a Trimmer hybrid which is pinkish lavender with a purple eye. Dan and Jane Trimmer's website catalog is filled with startlingly flamboyant newer daylily hybrids, many extravagantly eyed and ruffled. A few of their older introductions are in general commerce at gentle prices; I assume being tissue cultured. Gemini Jack is one of these.

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Thanks so much!
Wow! I love that daylily. I have three doubles. I'll check out the hybridizer you mentioned and see what he has. Thanks for the website.

In previous post, your daylily garden is fantastic.
Nancy... the only downsides are that the plant is a little short, and it doesn't bloom quite as extravagantly as some.

Lambeau... I'll check it out!

Marnie... you'll be drooling all over your keyboard at Trimmers site.

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