Sunday, July 20, 2008

Daylily Explosion

What sound do daylilies make when they explode in bloom in July... maybe WOW? Here's daylily 'Total Look', with 68 buds on the plant yet to open.
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I love your explosion explantion. I think the wow sound comes from my own mouth. Everyday I say it several times as I look out at the beauty they bring to my life.
Total Look is gorgeous.
68 buds! That's really amazing. This daylily is gorgeous!
Ohmygoodness! I'm so very excited that you gave me "Total Look!" Thank you, again. :-)
68 buds is amazing!!! Beautiful daylily!
How did you count them all? Wow. So glad for you, and a fabulous metaphor for daylilies.~~Dee
Jane Marie... I must admit, I think I way underappreciate daylilies.

Amy and Chey and Dee... it's just covered with flowers this morning (probably all the rain); there are so many big flowers they can hardly open all the way up.

Shady...You're welcome; it was an awfully little plant, but hopefully will grow fast for you.

Holy cow! Not only is it gorgeous (I've never seen this one before), but 68 buds?!? I'm in such awe I can't even be jealous. Most of my daylilies are in their first year and have only 6 buds -- and I was excited about them... :-/

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