Saturday, April 19, 2008

Three Little Gingers

The earliest of the wild gingers are blooming, with flowers so odd they are worth laying down on your stomach in order to see them better. At top is Asarum takaoi from Japan; an evergreen ginger that surprises me by its hardiness. Its variegated leaves are quite beautiful, and many selected clones are available with especially striking foliage, often silvered. In the middle is Asarum maculatum, a mottled leaf deciduous ginger from Korea, and just to make our Oriental tour complete, at bottom is Asarum heterotropoides from China. All of these have been perfectly hardy for me in the open garden (with this past winter being one that could kill a thistle).
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I thought I was a compulsive plant collector, but then I come here and realize I've only just begun.

Thanks Don!

The winter was harsh but it didn't kill the thistles. How I wish it had. I just found some doozies in my garden.
Ted... I think you'll catch up.

Jane Marie... With all this rain, there will be some bigun's this year.

My aunt gave me my first ginger plant last year. I don't know the variety, but it bloomed! I'm looking forward to see what it does this year. :-)
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