Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I Just Know I'm Going To Like This Plant...

Sometimes even before a new plant in the garden blooms, I just know I'm going to like it... this was Tricyrtis formosana Autumn Glow last year, in its first summer in our garden. It will have spotted, purple flowers this next summer, which will just be a bonus to the scrumptious, variegated foliage, which rapidly forms a dense clump.

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Do you grow Tricyrtis 'Gilt Edge'? I wonder how they compare. It's so hard not to become a Tricyrtis collector.
a hosta? It looks like one I have in my yard...
MMD... I do grow Gilt Edge, but this one (Autumn Glow)seems much more vigorous.

Moe... that's what I thought; it looks like a hosta.
Those leaves are pretty amazing, Don -- I see why you like it! They almost look painted.
Genie... they are very waxy, too!
Wow! Now there's going to be a "run" on Trycirtis formosana Autumn Glow! It's gorgeous... and I'm with MMD, it's hard not to become a trycirtis collector! :-) (And pulmonaria collector!)
Shady... there are a whole bunch of new, ultacool toadies coming into the country from Japan. Tricyrtis 'Shikin" is the first, available this year.
Great. Now I have to add another plant to my list. I love tricyrtis anyway and this one looks like a winner, too.
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