Monday, July 16, 2007

Heaven's Glory Daylily

Daylilies, through intensive hybridizing, have gotten frillier and more colorful, with eyes and edging... but there's certainly something to be said for some of the older hybrids (in this case Heaven's Glory, registered almost ten years ago). The subtlety of color in some of the older "plain" hybrids is quite breathtaking in the first light of morning.
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Excellent capture of these beauties.
In my viewpoint, 10 years is not an old daylily cultivar since they go back a thousand years. The oldest ones I have in my garden were registered in the 1920s, they were a passalong from an elderly neighbor which is the best way to get them.
I love this Heaven's Glory; I'm going to seek it out.
Olivia and Marie... thanks for your comments. Marie; yah, I suppose ten years isn't old. I can't imagine what a daylily hybrid from the 1920's would look like. All I can remember from my childhood in the 40's and 50's are ditch lilies and H. flava.
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