Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cyclamen Hederifolium "Bowles' Apollo" Group

It would be an unusual garden to have a cyclamen as its show piece, especially when not in bloom; they are one of the most subtle plants in our garden. However, when I first saw the foliage of this particular cyclamen, I did go "wow"... not "Wow!", mind you, but at least "wow". This particular cyclamen was first discovered in the famous bulb garden of E.A. Bowles in England, and was said to be the showiest foliaged hederifolium in his extensive garden... he had collected bulbs and tubers from all over, and cyclamens were one of his passions. The plants available now are variable seedlings of this original plant, so are called "Bowles' Apollo" Group. My plant actually is a poor example of the group in terms of patterning and color (most are silver-leafed), but it still is striking in terms of the size and thickness of its leaves. It should be quite impressive when settled in. However, now I know I must seek out a silver Apollo.Posted by Picasa

Don, I'm glad you commented on my blog. How have I missed yours all this time? I've now added you to my Bloglines feed. I like your (writing) style.
Just came across your blog and I'm really enjoying it.
I'm also a fan of Hardy Cyclemen.
I'm surprized they are not more popular.
All the best,
BOB of
Karen... likewise!
Bob... You know, I have no idea why hardy cyclamen aren't wildly popular; like I said, they are subtle, and are at their prime here in our climate at the far ends of the gardening season (which is just ducky with me).
LOVE those pretty leaves on that cyclamen! I wonder if I could grow that up here in zone 4?
Lisa... in my first garden in northern Iowa, Z4, I grew hederifolium with no problem. Coum is maybe a little hardier, and should be no problem. The main thing is proper culture, and getting good tubers to start with.
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