Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dizzy At The End

One of the last of the large, fragrant Oriental lilies to bloom in our garden is named 'Dizzy'... not a bad way to end the season. It's a bit shorter than most, and therefore sturdier, and holds its blooms smartly. I think I'll stroll back out for a sniff, as it's the last flower that will be perfuming the whole garden on warm summer evenings. Posted by Picasa

My Dizzy (first year) and my Stargazer are the only lilies still hanging on in my garden. Oh, and one little last Snow Queen longiflorum, which is probably so late because it's a bulblet from last year blooming for the very first time.

Good thing my datura is still slaking my thirst for fragrant trumpets.
The last of my Hyperion daylilies are bursting today. Summer song of July transitions to the days of August.

Hot out there, all over.
I hate to see the big lilies go by... really the last of the flowers that have that certain spectacular spring-early summer vivacity (whatever that means). From here on out, all the flowers seem like fall to me.
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