Wednesday, November 30, 2005
A Turn Down Day
I was out the back door this morning, to the tap-tap-tapping of the red bellied woodpecker, on a quiet, crystal clear day, with cold temperatures in the twenties, and the ground partially frozen, but with bright sunshine causing little protected areas in the garden to steam and thaw. This was a day to do all those little wrapping-up jobs, before expected snowfall and colder temperatures tonight. I gathered armloads of oak leaves to cover the primroses, put up sunshades for some elepidote rhododendrons newly planted this spring, and strung up Christmas (excuse me... HOLIDAY lights). Liz never lets me take down the lights after Christmas; she wants them left up, and after the holidays, calls them party lights. After finishing my chores, I just wandered about under the trees. It is one of those days so peaceful and quiet, it seems timeless.