Thursday, April 28, 2005

Hissy Fit

I like, on evening walks, to amble down the hill to the pond, to see what's going on there, but a pair of Canadian geese are nesting there and start honking like crazy and flapping their wings; hopefully they get their family raised before we decide to put the canoe in the pond! Of course the birds around here are all atwitter about the discovery of the Ivory Billed Woodpeckers in Arkansas. Our woodpecker menagerie here isn't bad: yellow-shafted flicker, red bellied, red headed, hairy, pileated, and downy. I leave the dead trees standing for them, though not too long ago I was out on the deck and a dead tree across the ravine came crashing down, and rolled down hill with a roar. In my backpacking days we called them widowmakers. Posted by Hello

I have the same problem! Only my pond in the woods isnt quite big enough for a canoe...I cant go near the place with out a ruccus.

BTW...somehow I knew you were a backpacker ;) Once a backpacker always a backpacker :D
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